METU professor László Csáki's film wins main prize at the international Animix festival

METU professor László Csáki's film wins main prize at the international Animix festival

Award-winning documentary and animation filmmaker and full-time professor at Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) László Csáki's animated feature documentary Pelican Blue on the grand prize in the feature film competition Animix International Animation Film Festival held in Tel Aviv on 9 August 2024. 

Image source: National Film Institute Hungary

Image source: National Film Institute Hungary

The film was created with active involvement of METU's current and former animation students and professors. This way, students were able to learn professional skills as part of the creative process, which is one of METU's main educational objectives. 

"I am particularly thrilled and proud to have worked on the film with my current and former animation students from Budapest Metropolitan University with whom we learned together in a hands-on situation. It was great to go down a road less travelled and to experiment freely with the possibilities of the genre of animated documentary" - shared László Csáki, professor at Budapest Metropolitan University's Institute of Animation and Media Design. 

Pelican Blue is an animated film for adults about freedom and three good friends, based on real-life events, which tells the story of how the chicks of the '90s made the trip 'smart' with lots of humour and contemporary music.  

"A brave film like no other; a film that dares to focus on an esoteric, seemingly insignificant story. Upon closer inspection, one can identify subversive anarchism and the human aspiration for freedom! The animation in the film captures the spirit of the time and era with its colours, rhythm, and pop music" - commented the festival's jury on the decision.   

We would like to congratulate our professor László Csáki, as well as all METU students, alumni and teachers who worked together to contribute to the creation of the film. 


Students and alumni of Budapest Metropolitan University’s Animation BA and MA programs: 

Zsuzsanna Ács 

Attila Fekete 

Máté Horesnyi 

Gréta Straubinger 

Orsolya Blanka Tóth 

Dorottya Tingyela 

Fruzsina Eszes 

Szonja Eckert 

Adrienn Gál 

Szandra Pataki 


Professors of Budapest Metropolitan University: 

Krisztina Holló-Leleszi  

Anna Szöllősi 

Kincső Palotás 

Szabolcs Pálfi