
Website of Budapest Metropolitan University

Budapest, 1148 Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9.

  1. The seat of the University: Budapest, 1148 Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9.
  2. The name of the person responsible for the edition: Prof. Dr. Kocziszky György, rector
  3. The name of the person responsible for website editing: , Chief Marketing and Sales Officer
  4. Email address:
  5. Institutional Identification Number: FI33842
  6. TAX number: 18172636-2-42
  7. Hosting service provider: Silver Frog Kft (8200 Veszprém, Füredi u. 49., 

Developer: Bemind Kft.,

Copyright©: Budapesti Metropolitan Egyetem 2001 - 2018.



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COPYRIGHT © 2001-2018 METU